
Aftercare Tips for Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a process of teeth restoration that uses a special dental composite material. Composite resin can be matched in color very closely to your natural teeth. This material practically bonds with your teeth, restoring their function and shape. In fact, dental bonding can be a great solution for quite a few aesthetic and oral health issues. In this article, we will walk you through the main aftercare tips for dental bonding.

What Issues Can Dental Bonding Solve?

  • Dental bonding is widely used in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. The issues dental bonding can solve include:
  • Restore chipped or cracked teeth
  • Fill gaps between teeth
  • Make teeth appear longer
  • Improve the shape of teeth
  • Improve the appearance of teeth with discoloration issues
  • Fill cavities
  • Cover teeth roots exposed because of gum recession

How Does Dental Bonding Work?

Dental bonding is a procedure that does not require a lot of intrusive steps like, for example, significant enamel removal. The resin composite can be used to cover even the entire surface of the tooth, and this restoration will still remain reversible. This is a big advantage of dental bonding compared to installing dental veneers, which require tooth enamel removal.

The Process

Usually, the procedure of dental bonding usually takes up to 1 hour per tooth and includes several steps:

  • Before the procedure, your doctor will take X-rays of your mouth to make sure that your teeth are in good enough health and ready to be treated with bonding.
  • During the procedure of dental bonding your dentist will start with choosing the tint of the resin composite material that will match the color of your natural teeth.
  • The next step is to prepare your teeth by slightly roughening their surface and applying special conditioning material. This step will ensure that the resin composite can effectively bond with your teeth.
  • After that the bonding can be applied and manipulated into the desired shape.
  • When the bonding material is applied, it is hardened with special light.
  • The last step is to polish your teeth and to make sure that all the necessary adjustments are made.

After the Procedure

Typically, patients do not experience a lot of discomfort during the procedure of dental bonding. Often all the work is done on the surface of the teeth and does not affect the areas where teeth nerves are located. That is why anesthesia is rarely used during the procedure.

Sometimes, your teeth can be sensitive for several days after the procedure. However, the pain is rarely strong and can be remedied with over-the-counter painkillers. But other than that, dental bonding does not require any special recovery time, and patients can return to their normal daily activities right away.

Aftercare Tips for Dental Bonding

Even though no recovery time is typically needed after dental bonding, there are several rules to follow if you want to preserve the results of this restorative procedure as long as possible:

Maintain good oral hygiene.

This will ensure that the bacteria and plaque does not build up on and between your teeth, and tooth decay and gum disease are prevented. Unfortunately, tooth decay and gum disease can lead to cracking of the bonding material. So, brush and floss your teeth twice a day. You may also consider using a mouth irrigator to clean up all the build up along the gumline.

Diet Care

Avoid foods and beverages that can stain your teeth and bonding material. These products include:

  • Berries
  • Juices
  • Red wine
  • Coffee and tee
  • Foods and beverages containing dies

Try to avoid very hard foods that involve a lot of biting and chewing, because they might damage your dental bonding restoration. Also, beware of such foods as crackers and popcorn.

Try not to consume a lot of sugar, because it can lead to the decay of the restoration material and of the surrounding teeth.

Treat Your Teeth Well

  • Do not use your teeth as tools.
  • Avoid tobacco products because they can stain your teeth very easily.

Visit your dentist regularly

To maintain excellent oral health, it is a good idea to have your teeth cleaned professionally every 6 months. During your visits your dentist will also make sure that your teeth are healthy and no treatment is required, as well as make sure that your dental bonding is in good condition. Dental bonding typically lasts for up to 10 years, but it does require occasional touch ups.

Contact Us for Additional Questions

If you have any questions about dental bonding or want to know if the procedure is right for you, sign up for an appointment with Dr. Barnar at Turquoise Dental today. Your dentist in Mission Viejo will make sure that your smile looks its best.