
How Veneers Change the Way You Are Perceived

They say that first impressions last, but what if you do not have the winning smile that makes a great first impression? This is a problem for many people because most are not blessed with a perfect set of teeth. Some people are even afraid to smile because they are too self-conscious about their teeth. But what if you could edit your teeth and get people to react to you the way you have always wanted them to? Dental veneers can help you get a positive reaction from people the first time and every time. A dentist in Mission Viejo can help you decide if veneers are the ideal solution for you. Our dentists can give you more information on how veneers change the way you are perceived, answer your questions about the procedure, and address any apprehensions you have.


What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made, tooth-colored shells made from porcelain or resin-composite materials. They are attached to the front surfaces of the patient’s teeth to cover up imperfections such as chips, cracks, stains, gaps, misalignment, and other problems. Veneers are designed to be permanent solutions since they are permanently bonded to the patient’s teeth.


How Veneers Change the Way You Are Perceived


You Will Look More Attractive

Teeth whitening treatments help you whiten your teeth. However, repeated treatments are necessary to keep your teeth looking as white as you want them to be. Meanwhile, veneers provide a long-lasting solution. Moreover, if the veneers are made of porcelain, they will naturally resist staining better than the natural enamel of your original teeth. This will ensure a long-lasting bright white smile that makes you more attractive to anyone you come in contact with.

Veneers perfect imperfections. Whether you have chipped, worn down, or uneven teeth, veneers will help you enhance their appearance. If you are concerned that veneers will look too perfect and unnatural, that will not be a problem. They are designed to mimic your natural teeth while improving their shape and size.

Veneers close unsightly gaps and align misaligned teeth. They are particularly recommended for those who may be inclined to undergo orthodontic treatments but want quicker results.


Your Newfound Confidence Will Improve Your Image

People with dental problems often have self-esteem problems, too. But when their teeth problems are fixed, they experience a boost in self-esteem, making them more confident about going out into the world, meeting new people, attending social events, and exploring work opportunities.

This boost in self-esteem, coupled with their beautiful, confident smile, will improve their social and professional relationships. Aside from confidence, which makes them look more attractive to a lot of people, their confident smile will also convey competence, approachability, trustworthiness, and professionalism.


Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Veneers can give your smile a dramatic transformation.
  • Veneers cover stubborn stains, instantly giving you a whiter, brighter smile.
  • They blend naturally with your teeth.
  • Veneers have more ability to resist stains compared to the natural enamel of your teeth.
  • They do not need additional maintenance.
  • With good dental hygiene, veneers can last for 10 to 15 years.
  • Veneers can give you a uniform, symmetrical smile.
  • Veneers conceal unsightly flaws like chips and cracks.
  • They can provide much-needed reinforcement for weakened teeth.
  • Strategically placed veneers can improve bite alignment.


Disadvantages of Dental Veneers

  • Most veneers are not reversible.
  • You may experience more sensitivity to heat and cold.
  • There is a possibility for the veneer to be dislodged or fall off.
  • Careless actions, like biting into hard objects, can damage your veneers and shorten their lifespan.
  • The thin layer of tooth enamel that is removed for the veneers to be installed will not grow back.
  • Compared to bridges and dental crowns, veneers have a much shorter lifespan.


Proper Care for Veneers

Proper care of your veneers is essential for their longevity. The good news is that it is not very hard to care for them. All you have to do is ensure proper dental hygiene every day and regularly visit your dentist. For your toothbrush, choose soft-bristled ones and avoid the use of whitening products.

Slice hard or crunchy foods into smaller bites and chew them using your back teeth to avoid damaging your veneers.

Avoid coffee, red wine, tea, and other foods and drinks that can cause discoloration over time to preserve their color.


Get That Winning Smile

If you have been struggling with your self-confidence because of your teeth, and you now understand how veneers can change the way you are perceived, consult a licensed cosmetic dentist today. An examination of your teeth and a discussion of your goals will help them provide you with a customized treatment option that may or may not involve veneers. Call or visit today to find the best solution to your dental concerns.